Thursday, December 20, 2018

Three Flights Away

I just received some exciting news! I will be leaving for my mission in Ghana on January 23rd. After three plane rides and a couple hour car ride, I will land in Damongo, Ghana.  It has suddenly all become very real.

I will spend the next month packing all the essentials: water purifier, solar shower, mosquito net, solar lamps/chargers, light cotton clothing, etc., and completing my last immunizations.

The most difficult task will be saying good-bye to my family and friends who mean so very much to me, most especially my two sons, my daughter and granddaughters.

I feel the LMH formation program has prepared me well to take on this adventure.  Please keep me in your prayers and stay tuned....


  1. Diane-You are an inspiration! God bless you in your work. Will pray for you and the work of the mission.

  2. Thank you so much Julie! Your friendship at the Cathedral; welcoming me when I was a new parishoner was so helpful to me. I appreciate your prayers!

  3. I will be praying for you tomorrow as you begin your journey. Love, Sarah

  4. May God bless and keep you Diane. Know that you are in my prayers. I look forward to reading of your experience and adventure.

    1. Kitty, thanks for following my journey via my blog. Please keep the prayers coming!

  5. Safe journey Diane, I wish you well in your new adventure. May God continues to bless you so you can become a blessing to others.

    1. Prisca, thanks for the blessings and well wishes.

  6. Diane, you don't know me but my daughter-in-law is your niece. I am keeping you in my prayers. Thank you for your service.

    1. Greta, Sarah told me of yoyr interest in my mission. I appreciate your prayers. I am honored God called me to this service.

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